Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Proper Nouns in English Grammar

Proper Nouns in English Grammar In English grammar, a  proper noun is a  noun belonging to the class of words used as names for specific or  unique individuals, events, or places, and may include real or fictional characters and settings. Unlike common nouns, which make up the vast majority of nouns in English, most proper nouns like Fred, New York, Mars, and Coca-Cola begin with a  capital letter. They may also be referred to as proper names for their function of naming specific things. Proper nouns are not typically  preceded by articles or other determiners, but there are numerous exceptions such as The Bronx or The Fourth of July. Furthermore, most proper nouns are singular, but again there are exceptions as in The United States and The Joneses. How Common Nouns Become Proper Oftentimes common nouns like river combine with the name of a specific person, location, or thing to form a proper noun phrase, such as the Colorado River or the Grand Canyon. When writing such a proper noun, it is correct to capitalize both when mentioned together, but also correct to repeat the common noun alone later in reference to the original proper noun while leaving the common one lowercase. In the example of the Colorado River, for instance, it would later be correct to refer to it as simply the river, if the writer has not mentioned another river. The primary difference between proper and common nouns stems from the uniqueness of reference for proper nouns wherein common nouns do not specifically reference any one particular person, place, or thing but rather the collective understanding of all of the persons, places, or things associated with the word. In that way, common nouns can become proper if they are colloquially used to specify one unique person, place, or thing. Take for instance the Colorado River, which runs through the center of Austin, Texas, and locals have taken to just calling the River. This common noun becomes a proper one because, in the geographic region of Austin, its used to name one specific river. The Lighter Side of Proper Nouns Many great authors have used the idea of capitalizing common nouns and making them proper to characterize specific inanimate objects or take a concept like Great Places and make them into a physical place in a fictional world. In Dr. Seuss Oh! The Places Youll Go! author Theodor Geisel makes the common unique, forming proper nouns to characterize and create fictional worlds for his zany characters to inhabit. Be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray / or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O-Shea, he offers, youre off to Great Places! // Today is your day! J. R. R. Tolkien personifies a simple gold ring in his epic trilogy The Lord of the Rings, wherein he always capitalized the Ring, signifying it as a specific, proper noun because it is the One Ring to Rule Them All.   On the other hand, famed poet e. e. cummings (note the lack of capitalization) never capitalizes anything at all, including names and places and even the beginning of sentences, signaling the writers disregard for the concept of proper nouns entirely.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

All About Serializing in Visual Basic

All About Serializing in Visual Basic Serialization is the process of converting an object into a linear sequence of bytes called a byte stream. Deserialization just reverses the process. But why would you want to convert an object into a byte stream? The main reason is so you can move the object around. Consider the possibilities. Since everything is an object in .NET, you can serialize anything and save it to a file. So you could serialize pictures, data files, the current state of a program module (state is like a snapshot of your program at a point in time so you could temporarily suspend execution and start again later) ... whatever you need to do. You can also store these objects on disk in files, send them over the web, pass them to a different program, keep a backup copy for safety or security. The possibilities are quite literally endless. Thats why serialization is such a key process in .NET and Visual Basic. Below is a section on custom serialization by implementing the ISerializable interface and coding a New and a GetObjectData subroutine. As a first example of serialization, lets do one of the easiest programs, but also one of the most useful: serializing data, and then deserializing data in simple class to and from a file. In this example, the data is not only serialized, but the structure of the data is saved too. The structure here is declared in a module to keep things ... well ... structured. Module SerializeParmsSerializable() Public Class ParmExample  Ã‚  Ã‚  Public Parm1Name As String Parm1 Name  Ã‚  Ã‚  Public Parm1Value As Integer 12345  Ã‚  Ã‚  Public Parm2Name As String  Ã‚  Ã‚  Public Parm2Value As DecimalEnd ClassEnd Module Then, individual values can be saved to a file like this: Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.BinaryImports System.IOPublic Class Form1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Private Sub mySerialize_Click( _  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ByVal sender As System.Object, _  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Handles mySerialize.Click  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dim ParmData As New ParmExample  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ParmData.Parm2Name Parm2 Name  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ParmData.Parm2Value 54321.12345  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dim s As New FileStream(ParmInfo, FileMode.Create)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dim f As New BinaryFormatter  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  f.Serialize(s, ParmData)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  s.Close()  Ã‚  Ã‚  End SubEnd Class And those same values can be retrieved like this: Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.BinaryImports System.IOPublic Class Form1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Private Sub myDeserialize_Click( _  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ByVal sender As System.Object, _  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Handles myDeserialize.Click  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dim s New FileStream(ParmInfo, FileMode.Open)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dim f As New BinaryFormatter  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dim RestoredParms As New ParmExample  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  RestoredParms f.Deserialize(s)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  s.Close()  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Console.WriteLine(RestoredParms.Parm1Name)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Console.WriteLine(RestoredParms.Parm1Value)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Console.WriteLine(RestoredParms.Parm2Name)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Console.WriteLine(RestoredParms.Parm2Value)  Ã‚  Ã‚  End SubEnd Class A Structure or a collection (such as an ArrayList) rather than a Class could also be serialized to a file this same way. Now that we have gone over the basic serializing process, lets look at the specific details that are part of the process on the next page. One of the first things you should notice about this example is the Serializable() attribute in the Class. Attributes are just more information that you can provide to VB.NET about an object and theyre used for a lot of different things.  The attribute in this code tells VB.NET to add extra code so that later on, everything in this class can be serialized. If there are specific items in the Class that you dont want to be serialized, you can use the NonSerialized() attribute to exclude them: NonSerialized() Public Parm3Value As String Whatever In the example, notice is that Serialize and Deserialize are methods of the BinaryFormatter object (f in this example). f.Serialize(s, ParmData) This object takes the FileStream object and the object to be serialized as parameters. Well see that VB.NET offers another object that allows the result to be expressed as XML. And one final note, if your object includes other subordinate objects, theyll be serialized too! But since all objects that are serialized must be marked with the Serializable() attribute, all of these child objects must be marked that way too. Just to be completely clear about what is happening in your program, you might want to display the file named ParmData in Notepad to see what serialized data looks like. (If you followed this code, it should be in the bin.Debug folder in your project.) Since this is a binary file, most of the content isnt readable text, but you should be able to see any strings in your serialized file. Well do an XML version next and you might want to compare the two just to be aware of the difference. Serializing to XML instead of a binary file requires very few changes. XML isnt as fast and cant capture some object information, but its far more flexible. XML can be used by just about any other software technology in the world today. If you want to be sure your file structures dont tie you into Microsoft, this is a good option to look into. Microsoft is emphasizing LINQ to XML to create XML data files in their latest technology but many people still prefer this method. The X in XML stands for eXtensible. In our XML example, were going to use one of those extensions of XML, a technology called SOAP. This used to mean Simple Object Access Protocol but now its just a name. (SOAP has been upgraded so much that the original name doesnt fit that well anymore.) The main thing that we have to change in our subroutines is the declation of the serialization formatter. This has to be changed in both the subroutine that serializes the object and the one that deserializes it again. For the default configuration, this involves three changes to your program. First, you have to add a Reference to the project. Right-click the project and select Add Reference .... Make sure ... System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap ... has been added to the project. Then change the two statements in the program that references it. Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.SoapDim f As New SoapFormatter This time, if you check out the same ParmData file in Notepad, youll see that the whole thing is in readable XML text such as ... Parm1Name idref-3Parm1 Name/Parm1NameParm1Value12345/Parm1ValueParm2Name idref-4Parm2 Name/Parm2NameParm2Value54321.12345/Parm2Value There is also a lot of additional XML there thats necessary for the SOAP standard in the file as well. If you want to verify what the NonSerialized() attribute does, you can add a variable with that attribute and look at the file to verify that its not included. The example we just coded only serialized the data, but suppose you need to control how the data is serialized. VB.NET can do that too! To accomplish this, you need to get a little deeper into the concept of serialization. VB.NET has a new object to help out here: SerializationInfo. Although you have the ability to code custom serialization behavior, it comes with a cost of extra coding. The basic extra code is shown below. Remember, this class is used instead of the ParmExample class shown in the earlier example. This isnt a complete example. The purpose is to show you the new code that is needed for custom serialization. Imports System.Runtime.SerializationSerializable() _Public Class CustomSerialization  Ã‚  Ã‚  Implements ISerializable  Ã‚  Ã‚   data to be serialized here  Ã‚  Ã‚   Public SerializedVariable as Type  Ã‚  Ã‚  Public Sub New()  Ã‚  Ã‚   default constructor when the class  Ã‚  Ã‚   is created - custom code can be  Ã‚  Ã‚   added here too  Ã‚  Ã‚  End Sub  Ã‚  Ã‚  Public Sub New( _  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ByVal info As SerializationInfo, _  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ByVal context As StreamingContext)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   initialize your program variables from  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   a serialized data store  Ã‚  Ã‚  End Sub  Ã‚  Ã‚  Public Sub GetObjectData( _  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ByVal info As SerializationInfo, _  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ByVal context As StreamingContext) _  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Implements ISerializable.GetObjectData  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   update the serialized data store  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   from program variables  Ã‚  Ã‚  End SubEnd Class The idea is that now you can (and, in fact, you must) do all of the updating and reading of data in the serialized data store in the New and GetObjectData subroutines. You must also include a generic New constructor (no parameter list) because youre implementing an interface. The class will normally have formal properties and methods coded as well ... Generic PropertyPrivate newPropertyValue As StringPublic Property NewProperty() As String  Ã‚  Ã‚  Get  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Return newPropertyValue  Ã‚  Ã‚  End Get  Ã‚  Ã‚  Set(ByVal value As String)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  newPropertyValue value  Ã‚  Ã‚  End SetEnd Property Generic MethodPublic Sub MyMethod()  Ã‚  Ã‚  method codeEnd Sub The resulting serialized class can create unique values in the file based on the code you supply. For example, a real-estate class might update a the value and address of a house but the class would serialize a calculated market classification as well. The New subroutine will look something like this: Public Sub New( _  Ã‚  Ã‚  ByVal info As SerializationInfo, _  Ã‚  Ã‚  ByVal context As StreamingContext)  Ã‚  Ã‚   initialize your program variables from  Ã‚  Ã‚   a serialized data store  Ã‚  Ã‚  Parm1Name info.GetString(a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Parm1Value info.GetInt32(b)  Ã‚  Ã‚   New sub continues ... When Deserialize is called on a BinaryFormatter object, this sub is executed and a SerializationInfo object is passed to the New subroutine. New can then do whatever is necessary with the serialized data values. For example ... MsgBox(This is Parm1Value Times Pi: _  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Parm1Value * Math.PI).ToString) The reverse happens when Serialize is called, but the BinaryFormatter object calls GetObjectData instead. Public Sub GetObjectData( _  Ã‚  Ã‚  ByVal info As SerializationInfo, _  Ã‚  Ã‚  ByVal context As StreamingContext) _  Ã‚  Ã‚  Implements ISerializable.GetObjectData  Ã‚  Ã‚   update the serialized data store  Ã‚  Ã‚   from program variables  Ã‚  Ã‚  If Parm2Name Test Then  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  info.AddValue(a, This is a test.)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Else  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  info.AddValue(a, No test this time.)  Ã‚  Ã‚  End If  Ã‚  Ã‚  info.AddValue(b, 2) Notice that the data is added to the serialized file as name/value pairs. A lot of the web pages Ive found in writing this article dont seem to have actual working code. One wonders whether the author actually executed any code before writing the article sometimes.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

British Democracy and Iraq War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

British Democracy and Iraq War - Essay Example They also argued that there was need to liberate the Iraq people from the oppressive regime which was not democratic and was abusing the human rights of its citizens (Armstrong, Farrell, & Maiguashca, 2005). Democratic norms are in most cases not perceived to be relevant to the foreign and international policies of a country. However, in the consideration of the democracy framework of various governments a number of critical questions arise. The first one is about respect of the international law by a country, basing on the fact that such a government cannot easily acquire the democratic tribute in regard to the rule of law locally if it is capable of violating the rule of law in a foreign country. The international law is much vaguer compared to the domestic one, but majority of the international lawyers are in agreement that Iraq's invasion by both the United States of America and Britain was a blatant breach on the charter of the United Nations. The charter is very clear and stipulates that armed forces can only be used in a case of self defense or when the United Nations Security Council explicitly authorizes use of such force (Vickers, 2004). Tony Blair in attacking Iraq had complete disregard of the United Nation's charter in fact, his speech in 1999 whi... ve failed to implement them and hence country's like Britain and the United States of America, have to bear some burden like invading Iraq since they have a sense of world responsibility. In this case he was actually implying that his government had the right to invade a sovereign government like that of Iraq and thus participate in enforcing the resolutions of the United Nations. The British government was in this case very biased as it even chose the resolutions to enforce and which ones to leave out, which by any standards cannot be viewed as respecting international rule of law (Allawi, 2007). The British government argued that it was not important to wait the United Nations to pass resolutions that would explicitly authorize the use of force in Iraq as this could mean taking a back seat and watch as a humanitarian crisis takes center stage in Iraq as it happened in Kosovo. By basing their argument on the Kosovo humanitarian catastrophe the British government justified the removal by force of the Iraq's undemocratic regime, arguing that the Iraq government was actually violating human rights of its citizens (Beck, Grande, & Cronin, 2007). The second question evolves around Britain's consistency on its quest to support human rights and democracy in foreign countries. When the human rights and democracy are used as base of justifying morality of a government's policies then consistency is considered to be a vital factor. Such arguments when applied selectively loose meaning and the weight they ought to carry. Although, largely believed that the more powerful and democratic countries can support human rights and democracy on foreign countries, they cannot achieve their objectives by use of force, since that would in fact, mean violation of the same human rights

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


DB1 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEE SERVICES - Research Paper Example For instance, job rotation would enable CSPs to assume varied tasks in focusing on a particular aspect of the product being offered (credit cards). At one point in time, a CSP could address issues regarding billing and payments. Then, in the next time frame, the CSP could address challenging complaints. The theory of job rotation would assist in breaking monotony and routine and would make the job more challenging and rewarding. Concurrently, job reengineering is a way to reinvent the tasks to make them more challenging or motivating. As such, CSP’s job could be reengineered to include addressing concerns of the clientele in the field setting (in banks or supermarkets). The CSP’s job could be improved through rewards or incentives by designing standards of performance, as benchmarks; and providing bonuses or opportunities for promotion for consistently performing above average and excelling in the performance of the job. Through the job characteristics model (JCM) which â€Å"identifies the job characteristics of skill variety, autonomy, task significance, task identity and feedback, and the outcomes of high job performance, high job satisfaction, high intrinsic motivation, and low absenteeism or turnover† (Web Finance, Inc., 2014, p. 1). Thus, through the provision of incentives including job rotation and job reengineering, CSPs would perceive the job as challenging and would aim to satisfy the customers more. Through feedback, their performance could be monitored and gauged and exemplary performance is rewarded through bonuses or promotions. The principles of scientific management could be incorporated through customer feedback that provides information on efficiency and effectiveness in undertaking their responsibilities and achieving organizational goals. The improvement of the CSP’s job would impact on customer

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Treatment Case Essay Example for Free

Treatment Case Essay Introduction It is important to know what treatments means as well as the meaning of evaluation. Treatment can be defined as the care by applications and procedures which are intended to reduce pain, injury or illness. Evaluation on the other hand is the determination whether a person, a group of people or an activity has met a certain requirement or criteria. Treatment Evaluation is therefore a close supervision on whether an item, a person or groups of people with a certain problem have been assisted in the correct way and there improvement is visible. Lambert, Ogles, (1986) Discussion Being a supervisor of a clinical treatment program or counseling agent, it is essential to design a evaluation method that will examine how a clinical therapy is effective in a company. The evaluation I will use should include requirement like how to make use and mobilize the clients spiritual sides, how to psychological acceptance is fostered .the treatment evaluation should also be able to reduce the effects of negative thoughts .the therapy used in the company should assist clients to get enough access with the core values. it should contain research of human language that is modern in order to understand and bring out the causes of human suffering. I would make sure my evaluation is built on the foundation of committed action on large patterns. In order to improve proficiency of the staffs in clinical skills, assessment will be successful when video demonstrations role play and samples of the audience work is used. The clients will be able to learn many things due to various video representations. The empirical found concerning the functions and the nature of the worries and the role of emotional processes. Murdock. N. L.(2006). The results also will indicate the roe and importance of addressing emotional and interpersonal factors in the therapy as well as how therapeutic relationship is used to maximize the outcome of this corresponding treatment. Through this, it will be able to evaluate systematically the proficiency of the therapy. The success of the evaluation will be seen when the staff or the members of the staff get the competency at using it as an instrument to validate the work samples, and formulate conceptualization. As a supervisor, I will make sure the evaluation I am designing is able make supervisory skills and cognitive therapy strong enough. Murdock. N. L.(2006) I will make sure that people understand the evaluation before it is used in the company, that is, the method implemented should manage the staff group environment of the therapy. These evaluation is able to assist people to adapt the techniques that individual have developed that is later used in the group therapy environment. The evaluation should be able to bring out the evidence for supporting the use of the treatments with patients who era seriously depressed and with other disorders. It should also reflect on the behavioral conceptualization when treating the depressed patients or clients. The evaluation treatment must be able to bring out the principles and the strategies of things like behavioral activation. Murdock. N. L.(2006). The evaluation should have the real meaning of the causal effects as well as methods and ways of approximating average causal effects. It should also be able to outline clearly the advantages and the disadvantages of the methods for determining these average effects. Murdock. N. L.(2006). Conclusion The evaluation method that is designed should be good enough to guide the staff on how to use the therapy and also to ensure that the clients are served correctly and that they get satisfied. Opinions of the clienteles are encouraged for easy judgment on the evaluation that been implemented. Lambert, Ogles, (1986) References Lambert, Ogles, (1986): Journal of children and Family Studies: The counseling psychology, 2,283-293. Murdock. N. L.(2006): On science-practice integration in everyday life: A plea for theory, The counseling psychologist, July 1, 2006; 34(4):548-569)

Friday, November 15, 2019

Importance of Money in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Essay

Importance of Money in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil     Ã‚   Inherited money is held in much higher esteem than earned money in Savannah, Georgia. This is a theme seen throughout Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, John Berendt's non-fictional account of life in Savannah. Characters such as Jim Williams, who worked for their money and brought themselves up the social ladder, are seen as being beneath those who inherited their money, such as Lee Adler. The old wealth tend to look down on anyone who wasn't born with their money. Their views of just about everything, including laws and punishments, differ depending on whether the person in question is of wealth due to blood or sweat. While Savannah is a town full of rich people, there isn't a whole lot of earned wealth. Most of Savannah's wealthy people have been rich for generations. Among the few exceptions is Jim Williams. He was born in Gordon, Georgia, a small town near Macon. "My father was a barber, and my mother worked as a secretary for the [town's chalk] mine. My money - what there is of it - is about eleven years old," says Williams (Berendt 4). Jim Williams is an oddity in Savannah. This "socially prominent antiques dealer" (Bellafante 79) is arrogant and pompous, but unlike those who are this way because they believe they were born with the right to be so, he is this way because he knows he has earned the right. It is because of this, though, that he is not truly accepted by his neighbors. For instance, there is the Oglethorpe Club, one of the highest class social clubs, even by Savannah standards. It would make sense for one of the richest aristocrats to be a premier member of the club. This is not the case, however. According to Berendt, bachelo... ... greatly upset those who hadn't had their turn. Appropriately enough, it seemed to Williams at least, it was Adler who prodded the district attorney to charge Williams with murder rather than a lesser crime. John Berendt's Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is a non-fictional account of the aristocratic lifestyle of Savannah, Georgia. The book examines many aspects of life in Savannah, as well as the mind sets of its people. One of these mind sets is the conflict between "old money" and "new money." People who have always had money seem to think that they are of a higher class than those who have had to work for it. Lee Adler and Jim Williams are two of the combatants in this ongoing war. Adler fights for the side of inherited money, Williams for earned. The problem for Williams is that the inherited side seems to control all the cards, even those of the law. Importance of Money in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Essay Importance of Money in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil     Ã‚   Inherited money is held in much higher esteem than earned money in Savannah, Georgia. This is a theme seen throughout Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, John Berendt's non-fictional account of life in Savannah. Characters such as Jim Williams, who worked for their money and brought themselves up the social ladder, are seen as being beneath those who inherited their money, such as Lee Adler. The old wealth tend to look down on anyone who wasn't born with their money. Their views of just about everything, including laws and punishments, differ depending on whether the person in question is of wealth due to blood or sweat. While Savannah is a town full of rich people, there isn't a whole lot of earned wealth. Most of Savannah's wealthy people have been rich for generations. Among the few exceptions is Jim Williams. He was born in Gordon, Georgia, a small town near Macon. "My father was a barber, and my mother worked as a secretary for the [town's chalk] mine. My money - what there is of it - is about eleven years old," says Williams (Berendt 4). Jim Williams is an oddity in Savannah. This "socially prominent antiques dealer" (Bellafante 79) is arrogant and pompous, but unlike those who are this way because they believe they were born with the right to be so, he is this way because he knows he has earned the right. It is because of this, though, that he is not truly accepted by his neighbors. For instance, there is the Oglethorpe Club, one of the highest class social clubs, even by Savannah standards. It would make sense for one of the richest aristocrats to be a premier member of the club. This is not the case, however. According to Berendt, bachelo... ... greatly upset those who hadn't had their turn. Appropriately enough, it seemed to Williams at least, it was Adler who prodded the district attorney to charge Williams with murder rather than a lesser crime. John Berendt's Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is a non-fictional account of the aristocratic lifestyle of Savannah, Georgia. The book examines many aspects of life in Savannah, as well as the mind sets of its people. One of these mind sets is the conflict between "old money" and "new money." People who have always had money seem to think that they are of a higher class than those who have had to work for it. Lee Adler and Jim Williams are two of the combatants in this ongoing war. Adler fights for the side of inherited money, Williams for earned. The problem for Williams is that the inherited side seems to control all the cards, even those of the law.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Topic of Your Choice Essay

English 090 Writing Fundamentals Assignment 3: Topic of Your Choice Essay Professor T. Finch Christopher Casselman 08-29-2011 There are many challenges to online study; however, time management, course load and prioritizing are the three main areas that should be focused on. First, determining how much time to spend on a subject is very troublesome. Depending on the subjects, some people like to spend extra time on certain things like math. Finding the time to spend with the family is stressful as well. There will always be something to distract one from their work. Next, course load will determine a lot of things, such as how much time will be needed for each subject, when assignments are due and when to take tests or quizzes. All of the things aforementioned need to be completed in a certain order and in a timely manner. Following a strenuous schedule will keep one on track. Finally, prioritizing will streamline things tremendously. Prioritize by determining how many assignments are due weekly for each subject, and if there are any tests. As well as, the difficulty of the subjects, and what impact they have on our daily life. In addition, many times we will overload ourselves and will need a momentary break. Though breaks should be short, but long enough so one can grasp the reigns tightly again and continue with what one is doing. Staying focused on the work at hand is hard to do when there are other obligations demanding attention as well. Doing the best in each subject, and staying diligent is the single most important thing. In closing, all of these things should be considered before starting an online course. Regret and failure will be less if one can get a good understanding of what is expected from them and focus on time management, course load and prioritization.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Woman Named Martha Josey Essay

Barrel racing is one of the rare sports developed initially for women. It is a â€Å"rodeo event in which a horse and the rider attempts to make a run as fast as possible and complete the given pattern† (Hubbard 1999). Any device that has a timer will be the judge for this kind of sport as it aims to record the level of speed. The timer â€Å"begins when the rider cross the start line and ends when the rider successfully executed the barrel pattern or when they cross the finish line†. Apparently, this kind of sport needs a great deal of strength, athletic ability, intelligence and drive; and therefore needs a lot of training. Barrel racing and horsemanship to be executed by women is somehow amazing. Some suggest that this kind of sport must only be played by men. It is said that the arena is more unhealthy and dangerous to women since they are apparently weaker than men physiologically. Martha Josey though is one of the few women who took the courage to try this kind of sport despite its high level of physical risks. Martha Josey is a world champion barrel racer and thus an inspiration to everyone in the sport of rodeo. She is now considered a â€Å"Cowgirl Hall of Famer after qualifying for the National Finals Rodeo on eight different horses in four consecutive decades from 1968 to 1998† (Hubbard 1999). Horses played a great contribution on Josey’s success. Some of her most famous horses that brought her to national finals and championship are â€Å"Cebe Reed, Sonny Bit O’Both and Orange Smash† (Diccus 2006). The horse â€Å"Cebe qualified Martha for her first National Finals Rodeo (NFR) in 1968 and 1969† (Diccus 2006). In later years when Martha teamed up with â€Å"the big bay gelding, Sonny Bit O’ Both, she was again qualified to the NFR four years in a row from 1978 to 1981† (Diccus 2006). Furthermore Sonny set an all time record in 1980 â€Å"as he was the only horse in history to win the AQHA and WPRA World Championship† (Diccus 2006). But due to Sonny’s oldness later on, Martha introduced Orange Smash who gave her â€Å"the NBHA Senior Championship and Reserved Open 1- D Championship in Augusta, Georgia† (Diccus 2006). Moreover, Orange Smash made Josey â€Å"qualified for the NFR in 1998 and received the Gold- Round Winner Buckle† (Diccus 2006). Due to the consistent win of Martha Josey, Orange Smash received the â€Å"1999 AQHA Best of America’s Horse Award†. What is unique about Martha Josey is her calmness in arena every time. Her exterior disguises with â€Å"her impeccable manicure, makeup and outfit†, Martha looks to be attending a simple luncheon instead of a dusty and dangerous arena (Hubbard 1999). Her external manifestations, her better looking horses and her calmness made her stood out in crowd for past decades. Her reputation as a horse racer is radiating every time she wins. Meanwhile, throughout her career, Martha Josey also helped others to build their careers who are interested in barrel racing. Josey also â€Å"has helped build barrel racing’s recognition as a professional rodeo event, and in part through her efforts, barrel racing is held in the same arena and with the same respect and spectator interest as any of the other rodeo events† (Broyles 2006, p. 13). At this point of time, Martha Josey continues to compete for World Championship and is often featured in â€Å"Equine magazine† (Broyles 2006, p. 12). In addition, she manage to produce educational videos and documentaries about rodeo, markets her own line of equine products, establishes various clinics throughout America and helps promote Purina products. Right now, â€Å"she and her husband also train and market the very best in barrel horses at their home ranch in Marshall, Texas. The ranch is also home to world-class competitions† (Broyles 2006, p. 12). Martha Josey is one of the successful women in history who prove that women can be equal than men in whatever areas. The criticisms she received just because she is a woman did not affected her at all. In fact, she approach those criticisms constructively. Moreover, she emphasizes the fact that in sport in order to be successful, one should undergo a lot of training and one should intelligently approach every challenges. She is now currently living in Texas constantly fulfilling her passion in rodeo sport through helping others to be a winner too just like her. Reference: Broyles, J. (2006). â€Å"Barrel Racing†. New York USA. The Rosen Publishing Group. Diccus, T. (2006). â€Å"Martha Josey- The Legend by Ron Atwood†. Tamara Hillman on line. Retrieved on June 4, 2009 from http://www. rodeocountry. org/tamarahillmanbuckinbroncos. htm Hubbard, C. (1999). â€Å"Smash Success Martha Josey eyes her fifth decade at the National Finals†. Active Interest Media, Inc. from the book of American Cowboy.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Deadly Tubercolosis Essays

Deadly Tubercolosis Essays Deadly Tubercolosis Paper Deadly Tubercolosis Paper Despite predictions earlier this century that infectious diseases would soon be eliminated as a public health problem (Burnet, 1963), infectious diseases remain a leading cause of illness and death in the United States. The incidence of tuberculosis, which was presumably under control has increased in several urban areas throughout the country. Furthermore, control and prevention of the disease have been undermined by drug resistance as well as lack of federal funding. The homeless population is of particular concern as they are often immunocompromised, underserved, and disenfranchised from the traditional medical system. As a result, tuberculosis is most prevalent in cities among homeless individuals and has suffered from a twenty percent increase since 1985 (Bloom, 1995). Combined with the HIV epidemic and increased intravenous drug use, tuberculosis has become one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among homeless populations as a reemerging killer. Currently, a combination of five primary drugs are used for chemoprophylaxis, as drug resistant bacteria have made single drug treatments obsolete. However, social and residential instability in homeless persons are a major obstacle in completion of the drug treatment. The most effective plan to ensure administration of medication is the use of Directly Observed Therapy, which calls for health care workers and volunteers to visit patients at shelters to visually confirm administration. DOT not only prevents the transmission of tuberculosis, but also combats the spread of multi-drug resistant strains of the bacteria. In studies done is several cities, DOT has been shown increase the number of completed regimens by over forty percent (Iseman, 1993). Nonetheless, despite DOT’s success, federal funding for such programs remains grossly inadequate. As a result, there has been widespread change and expansion of health policies in many major cities. Investigations into the policies of three major U. S. cities (New York, San Francisco, Chicago ) have presented the current state of tuberculosis treatment amongst the homeless. Information about the disease and its epidemiology was first obtained through articles found in the library. The general history of public health policy against the disease was then also researched in published articles found in the library and on the internet. The current programs in each respective city were then researched by accessing the city’s department of public health homepages on the internet and by calling faculty in the departments for specific information. The results of the research into the policies of the cities is as follows. New York is hardest hit by the reemergence of the disease, and suffers four times as many cases as other major cities. Due to the sheer size of the homeless population, the New York City Department of Health has issued a â€Å"Comissioner’s Order for Directly Observed Therapy† (CODOT) to ensure the expansion of the treatment in highly infectious areas such as homeless shelters. As a last resort, patients may even be detained until an adequate course of treatment is completed. An additional organization has been created: The Education and Training Unit. Conceived by the Bureau of tuberculosis control, health care providers perform â€Å"grand rounds†, visiting the many shelters throughout the city to diagnose potential cases and educate the homeless and shelter staff members. The city’s health department may also be noted for its extensive use of formerly homeless volunteers to execute policies. Although San Francisco’s population is much smaller than other major cities, it has the fifth highest tuberculosis rate in the country. The city’s Health Care for the Homeless program has extended PPD skin testing in homeless shelters and food lines. In addition, to increase patient compliance, patients under the DOT program receive transportation vouchers and food which act as incentives to complete the therapy. In 1992, Health Care for the Homeless instituted a respite program in several shelters where homeless persons with tuberculosis were allowed to rest and recuperate while medications were monitored. The health policy of Chicago against tuberculosis serves as the paradigm for effective eradication of the disease within a city. The disease has reached an all time low in 1996, due mostly to the city’s aggressive implementation of DOT. Backed by the CDC, DOT was made the standard for all tuberculosis cases encountered in the homeless population in 1993. Officials estimate that it has prevented over 550 cases, saving 7. 5 million dollars in hospital costs. The Metropolitan Chicago TB Coalition was also founded to help mobilize public and private resources to control the disease. The project brought forth an indepth look at the current policies of some major U. S. cities against tuberculosis, and exposed some general trends therein. It is clear that DOT is the only effective way to prevent transmission of the disease as well as the development of multi-drug resistant strains of the bacteria. Moreover, federal funding for these programs seems to be lacking, which has led some cities to create their own funding organizations. Tuberculosis has begun to be recognized as an epidemic among homeless populations, and projects such as this have helped to alert the public health community to this disease. There a few clearly needed improvements in public health policy against tuberculosis. Firstly, an increase in federal funding is imperative to the extension of DOT therapy. In addition, there is a great need for increased man-power in the homeless areas, and a need for more education amongst the homeless and their providers. Additional projects could explore specific aspects of public health policy such as the acquisition and allocation of funding, or the development of educational programs in the community and their actual effectiveness in preventing the spread of the disease. Upon completing the project, we have found that the deliverance of health care to the homeless is less about management and planning than logistics. The ability to provide treatment.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Robert the Bruce Biography

Robert the Bruce Biography Robert the Bruce (July 11, 1274–June 7, 1329) was king of Scotland for the last two decades of his life. An ardent proponent of Scottish independence and a contemporary of William Wallace, Robert remains one of Scotlands most beloved national heroes. Early Years and Family Born into an Anglo-Norman family, Robert was no stranger to royalty. His father, Robert de Brus, was the 6th Lord of Annandale and a great-great-grandson of King David mac Mail Choluim, or David I of Scotland. His mother, Marjorie, was the Countess of Carrick, descended from the Irish King Brian Boru. His sister Isabel became the Queen of Norway by marrying King Eric II, long before Robert ascended to the Scottish throne. Robert’s grandfather, also named Robert, was the 5th Earl of Annandale. In the autumn of 1290, Margaret, the Maid of Norway, who was the seven-year-old heiress to the Scottish throne, died at sea. Her death set off a whirlwind of disputes regarding who should succeed to the throne, and the 5th Earl of Annandale (Roberts grandfather) was one of the claimants. Robert V, with the aid of his son Robert VI, captured a number of strongholds in the southwest of Scotland during the period between 1290 – 1292. Naturally, young Robert supported his grandfather’s claim to the throne, but ultimately, the role of king was given to John Balliol. Corbis via Getty Images / Getty Images Association With William Wallace King Edward I of England was known as the Hammer of the Scots, and worked diligently during his reign to turn Scotland into a feudal tributary state. Naturally, this did not sit well with the Scots, and soon Edward found himself having to deal with uprisings and rebellions. William Wallace led a revolt against Edward, and Robert joined in, believing that Scotland needed to remain independent of England. The Battle of Stirling Bridge, in September 1297, was a devastating blow for the English. Shortly afterwards, Bruce family lands were sacked by Edwards troops in retaliation for the familys role in the rebellion. In 1298, Robert succeeded Wallace as one of the Guardians of Scotland. He served alongside John Comyn, who would become his chief rival for the country’s throne. Robert resigned his seat after just two years, when the conflicts with Comyn escalated. In addition, there were rumors that John Balliol would be restored as king despite his abdication in 1296. Instead, Scotland functioned without a monarch, and under the guidance of the countrys Guardians, until 1306, one year after Wallace was captured, tortured, and executed. Rise to the Throne In early 1306, two very important events took place that would shape the future of Scotland. In February, matters came to a head between John Comyn and Robert. During an argument, Robert stabbed Comyn at a church in Dumfries, killing him. When word of Comyn’s death reached King Edward, he was livid; Comyn had been distantly related to the king, and Edward saw this as a deliberate plot to stir up dissent. Comyn’s son, John IV, was immediately whisked off to England for his own safety, and put into the care of a nobleman who was raising Edward’s own children. John Comyn was stabbed by Robert the Bruce in 1306. Print Collector / Getty Images Just a few weeks later, at the beginning of March, Robert’s father, the 6th Earl of Annandale, died. With his father now dead, and Comyn also out of the way, Robert was the chief claimant to the Scottish throne. He moved rapidly to take power. Robert was crowned king on March 25, but an attack by Edward’s army pushed him out of the country. For a year, Robert hid out in Ireland, raising a loyal army of his own, and in 1307 he returned to Scotland. In addition to battling Edward’s troops, he laid waste to the lands of Scottish nobles who supported the English king’s claim to rule Scotland. In 1309, Robert the Bruce held his first parliament. Bannockburn and Border Raids Over the next few years, Robert continued to fight against the English, and was able to reclaim much of Scotlands land. Perhaps his most famous victory of all took place at Bannockburn in the summer of 1314. That spring, Roberts younger brother Edward had laid siege to Stirling Castle, and King Edward II decided it was time to move up north and take Stirling back. Robert, upon hearing of these plans, rounded up his army and moved into position above the marshy area that surrounded the Bannock Burn (a burn is a creek), intending to stop English troops from reclaiming Stirling. The Scottish army was thoroughly outnumbered, with an estimated five to ten thousand men, compared to an English force of more than twice that size. However, despite the larger numbers, the English were not expecting to encounter any Scottish resistance, so they were caught completely by surprise in the narrow, low-lying area of the marsh, as Roberts spearmen attacked from the wooded hillside. With English archers at the far back of the marching formation, the cavalry was rapidly decimated, and the army retreated. King Edward is said to have barely escaped with his life. Following the victory at Bannockburn, Robert grew bolder in his attacks on England. No longer content to just wait around defending Scotland, he led incursions into the border regions of northern England, as well as into Yorkshire. By 1315, he had attacked English troops in Ireland, at the request of Donall ONeill, the king of Tyrone, one of Gaelic Irelands eastern kingdoms. A year later, Roberts younger brother Edward was crowned as High King of Ireland, temporarily cementing the bond between Ireland and Scotland. Robert attempted for several years to bring about an alliance between the two countries, but eventually it crumbled, as the Irish saw Scottish occupation as no different than English occupation. The Declaration of Arbroath In 1320, Robert decided that diplomacy rather than military force might be a viable method of asserting Scottish independence. The Declaration of Arbroath, which later served as the template for Americas Declaration of Independence, was sent to Pope John XXII. The document outlined all of the reasons that Scotland should be considered an independent nation. In addition to detailing the atrocities committed upon the countrys people by King Edward II, the declaration specifically said that although Robert the Bruce had saved the country from English dominion, the nobility would not hesitate to replace him if he became unfit to rule. One of the results of the declaration was that the Pope lifted Roberts excommunication, which had been in place since he murdered John Comyn in 1306. Some eight years after the Declaration of Arbroath was sealed by more than fifty Scottish nobles and dignitaries, King Edward III, the fourteen-year-old son of Edward II, signed the Treaty of Edinburgh-Northampton. This treaty declared peace between England and Scotland, and recognized Robert the Bruce as Scotlands lawful king. Statue of Robert the Bruce at Stirling. Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images Death and Legacy After a two-year-long illness, Robert the Bruce died at the age of fifty-four. Although there has been speculation that his death was caused by leprosy, there is no evidence to indicate that he suffered from the disease. Western University anthropology professor Andrew Nelson studied Roberts skull and foot bone in 2016, and concluded: The anterior nasal spine (the bone support around the nose) in a healthy person is teardrop-shaped; in a person with leprosy, that structure is eroded and almost circular. King Robert’s nasal spine is teardrop-shaped... In a person with leprosy, the end of th[e] metatarsal bone [from the foot] would be pointed, as if inserted into a pencil sharpener. This bone shows no sign of â€Å"pencilling.† After his death, Roberts heart was removed and buried at Melrose Abbey, Roxburghshire. The rest of his body was embalmed and interred at Dunfermline Abbey in Fife, but was not discovered until construction workers found the casket in 1818. Statues in his honor exist in several Scottish cities, including Stirling. Robert the Bruce Fast Facts Full Name:  Robert I, also Robert the Bruce, Roibert a Briuis in medieval Gaelic.Known for:  King of Scotland and a celebrated warrior in the Scottish fight for independence from England.Born:  July 11, 1274 in Ayrshire, Scotland.Died:  June 7, 1329 at Cardross Manor, Dunbartonshire, Scotland.Parents’ Names:  Robert de Brus, the 6th Earl of Annandale, and Marjorie, Countess of Carrick. Sources Letter from Robert the Bruce to Edward II Reveals Power Struggle in the Build Up to Bannockburn. University of Glasgow, 1 June 2013,, Ken. â€Å"Reconstructed Face of Robert the Bruce Is Unveiled - BBC News.†Ã‚  BBC, BBC, 8 Dec. 2016,, James. â€Å"Robert the Bruce in Battle: A Battlefield Trail from Methven to Bannockburn.†Ã‚  30 Aug. 2018,, Fiona. â€Å"Great Scot, Its Robert the Bruce!†Ã‚  The History Press,

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Governmental Structure of Canada. Is the Canadian Prime Minister Too Research Paper

Governmental Structure of Canada. Is the Canadian Prime Minister Too Powerful - Research Paper Example Majority of the evidences sighted in various literary works point towards the fact that the Canadian prime minister has a lot of power and can influence the decisions of the government and the country of Canada. The fact that cannot be ignored is that the Canadian prime minister exercises a great deal of power especially when in the parliament his party enjoys the majority (Dickerson, Flanaganand O’Neill, 2009). There are obvious evidences of the Canadian prime minister not being too powerful but the majority facts are in the favor of him being powerful and dictating the rules and regulations governing the state resulting in the favor of prime-ministerial power. Governmental Structure of Canada Canada’s parliament is divided into three levels. The main governing body is the Queen of Elizabeth II and the Governor General (David Johnston currently) who acts on the behalf of the Queen to perform official functions as the Queen is not physically present in Canada. The secon d level is of the senate that is appointed on the prime minister’s recommendation and the third being the House of Commons consisting of the government members and the Opposition members. Queen Elizabeth II performs the ceremonial functions in Canada. All the political, executive and legislative powers are directed from the Queen .The Governor in General acts on behalf of Queen Elizabeth, he performs functions such as General elections declaration, closing and opening the Parliament and reads speeches from The Throne. The role of the Prime Minister who is the first amongst the parliament members and is the head of the government is to make and implement decisions pertaining to the policy of the government. He is designated to choose cabinet and its members for carrying out the various tasks of the country. No one person can handle all the tasks therefore cabinets are formed but the supreme authority is the prime minister himself. He can shuffle the cabinet members from one po rtfolio to another, can delete the cabinets and can add cabinets for whatever reason he thinks is right. This statement is strong evidence in favor of the Canadian President being a powerful governing body. The Cabinet and the Canadian prime minister speaks as one voice because conflicts amongst them can result in Cabinet members being demoted or dropped from the Parliament (Mallory, 1984). The legislature is a part of the government and has the duty of making the laws. It consists of the appointed as well as elected members, the Senate is appointed and the House of Commons is elected. Drawn from the House of Commons, the executive (the prime minister and the cabinet members) control the agenda in the House of Commons and they have the right to vote in order to turn the legislative that is proposed into practice (Malcolmson and Myers, 2009). Concluding the structure it could be said that there are three levels and the prime minister is the part of the second level and governs the th ird level that is the legislature. He is an important figure and works under the supervision of the Governor General who is acting figure in lieu of the Queen. Power in the Hands of the Canadian Prime Minister The Canadian Prime minister is the central figure in the Canadian politics and the law governing the state of Canada. He is behind all the progress that is currently under process

Friday, November 1, 2019

Choose two case studies and answer the question, is investigative Essay

Choose two case studies and answer the question, is investigative journalism essential to democracy Why - Essay Example In particular, investigative journalism has led to the fall of various unethical leaderships and ousting of corrupt governments in various parts of the world. Chief among the key events that investigative journalism has unearthed include the Watergate scandal and Joseph McCarthy’s propaganda plot. In addition, corrupt governments in Latin America have been exposed through the efforts of investigative journalists. This led to ousting of President Fernando Collor de Mello of Brazil in 1992, President Abdala Bucaram of Ecuador in 1997, President Alberto Fujimori of Peru in 2000, and President Carlos Andres Perez of Venezuela in 1993. These are a few cases where investigative journalism has facilitated the widening of the democratic space while ensuring that the public interest is taken care of. In this essay, an analysis of the case of Joseph McCarthy’s propaganda and that of President Alberto Fujimori of Peru will be put into perspective. Investigative journalism has over the years has promoted the attainment of a democratic society. On one end, it has helped the society embrace governments and institutions. On the other hand, the journalists have investigated incidences where there are excesses of the democratic privilege. In such scenarios, democracy has been used abused and individuals used it for their selfish interests. The media has the responsibility of exposing any matter for the sake of the even though the issue implicates individuals in authority. Through such interventions, investigative journalists ensure that people get the opportunity to express their views based on valid information that has been obtained from credible sources. Media also provides a platform in which performance is monitored for government and institutions. In many cases, scandals revealed through investigative reports trigger judicial investigations while at the same time providing evidence of wrongdoing. In